We asked: What’s your opinion on the banlist update of Feb 1, 2019?

We asked the Calgary Weiss community what they think about the latest banlist update and the state of the banlist in general. Here’s their responses:

David says:

I think limiting ‘”MIRAI TICKET” You Watanabe’ to 1 is the biggest change. I think this severely restricts how often you can get it out at level 2, especially if it’s stuck in your stock or deck. This heavily weighs down a popular build of the deck, since You was a main finisher at both level 2 and 3. At level 3, you can no longer have 3 copies of You out to burn 3 times and attack 3 times, so people will have to look toward changing out their endgame build. That being said, I do think that Bushiroad was right to restrict it.

Also, the level 0 Kasumi promo from BanG Dream was a good card to ban. Even when it was restricted to 1, it was easy to just search for it as soon as possible.

Tim says:

Mirai Ticket You restricted to 1: Most of the other restrictions reduce deck consistency, but don’t outright kill the deck. Restricting You to a single copy does this. You was the workhorse, dealing the mass of the damage from level two on. With it limited to a single copy, this deck falls from being a top tier deck or the best LLS build.

Jonathan says:

Nisekoi Key build is starting to show its age at this time. The previous advantage of easy pendants, a really good freefresh, and a solid finisher, does not seem to be enough anymore. The Marika level one combo is outdated and is starting to become hard to actually plus off of. The best advantage in the deck is obviously the early play Onodera, that card is clearly nuts no matter how you look at it. The restricted Marika is far too costly to reliably get more than one off, most times it feels like even one can be hard. Unrestricting her would only add consistency to the deck. You may change playstyle to just take advantage of the free burn but not capitalize on the restand ability. It doesn’t seem too unreasonable to expect an update to the restriction within the next year.

Ben says:

LLSS: Mirai Ticket restrict 1 was supposed to come half a year earlier. However, if it’s restrict 1,. then there’s no point putting Mari on the restriction list as that’s the tool that makes the combo consistent. Pulling Kanan back out is fine.

BD: 0/0 kasumi should’ve been banned half a year ago. level 1 event with kasumi combo should’ve been restricted – you know when close to 100% people who tops singles/trios uses that as their engine, there’s something wrong. The restriction list is ok? seems like just a slight slap on the wrist for not dealing with the Kasumi

HLL: no complains

SAO: once again SAO is on the “watch list”, and once again it escapes the ban list. pogchamp

Huy says:

The Cordelia Garden unban helps milky with a few options. It’s viable due to the current lvl 1 game which sets your stock up. Although it’s an old card it might not even show up in some lists. But heal 2 is always welcome. Even if it’s a one of, it’s nice to have but having 2 would be fantastic 😉

Kasumi was trouble with the Event promo as it was too consistent and would always run in every game. Giving them a good engine. Now finally being banned it tones down the deck but is still scary to face.

HLL: this was hidden OP and does tone it done a bit.

Gochiusa: Not a big change but having 2c1 is rough on pretty much the 2 cards that carries the deck. The finisher is still amazing and is in its own league but the anti change is so valuable and easy to get over and over. It’s sometimes hard to choose because one finishes the game and the other lets you deny their game. With the higher amount of EP it’s generally a good idea to go for the anti change rather than the finisher and outlast the opponent

Chris says:

MG: The release of the 0/0 Bounce Shinobu was nice 2 banlists ago. I would’ve loved to see the 0/0 global 5 and experience 4 or more drop search on play to be off the 3 choose 1. Might be a bit much to ask but the 0/0 was very nice any iteration of MG build if they ran yellow (though no real reason not to unless meme/waifu). Bushiroad was a bit harsh on the banlist due to the mass representation of MG over and over again. Monogatari suffers in that it has no reliable way to plus outside of brainstorms. Releasing the 0/0 global 500 would not change this but help with consistency. I think a pick two between the Tsubasa 2/2 as a means to compress and Hachikuji 3/2 from the second season set is more than enough as you either go for a compress game with little or no ability to finish, or a potential reliable finisher. Caveat is some of the latest MG decks that still top manage to do this without any of the two anyways.

Andrew says:

Cordelia’s Garden: good card but won’t singlehandedly carry the deck; if Milky becomes relevant again it will be because of the promos.
P.S. I’m a prophet.

LLSS: consistency hit but doesn’t fix the problem at the root

BD: omegalul

HL: :clap: good enough

Don’t think SAO needs a hit at the moment as there is no one coherent topping deck and it just has a pile of good cards that work well together. Its fine on the watchlist.
Lots of old stuff can honestly come back like most of the KC cards and emoswing. Bushiroad doesn’t need to be so conservative with the banlist when most people are going to be playing newer sets regardless of what happens.

Chelsie says:


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