Friday Funpost: Weiss Poetry

Have you ever had a hobby long enough that you decided to write awful poetry about it? No? Oh well.

I hope you enjoy Weiss poetry that was written between periods of a Hockey game. I’ll spare you the goatee and bongos that were part of the process. Not going to lie though, this was a ton of fun to write, and I hope some of y’all will want to share your own silly Weiss writing

First the form of my people, self-absorbed white people, a Haiku

I get to go first
I draw no cards to play with
Can I go second?

Why is the top card
a climax I do not need

Yuuko should be an inspiration to us all.

A limerick

I start with a climax in hand
Hoping to draw into my band
I draw and clock two
Now my hand is askew
Cause three climaxes are what land.

Ode to Weiss, a Sonnet

Sit down and play a game of chance and skill
And titties banded by light by name Weiss.
A gamblers heart this game will surely thrill
But to win this game, your pay in must suffice.
Each new set that rules for but short season
Comes with a price for prospective buyers.
You can skip it for whatever made reason
But miss too often, and your success mires.
Once you sit at the table and lay thy cards
You push your fate to thy fair but cruel god
Turn your wife sideways, send her regards
Cancelled! You failed her! What a fraud!
With shame you begin to pack up and go,
But, you say, “there’s next time you know?”

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