Wild Wild Weiss Guest Post by Bing: The Art of Level 0: How to Win the Early Game in Weiss Schwarz

Hello, this is Bing. I’m going to pretend to be Igor Squatslav, the author of Wild Wild Weiss, a blog about Weiss Schwarz, a card game based on anime and manga. Here is an article I wrote about a niche concept in Weiss Schwarz (Igor Note, google the card names):

Level 0 is the first stage of the game in Weiss Schwarz, where both players start with no cards in their level zone and have access to only low-cost and low-power cards. However, this does not mean that level 0 is unimportant or trivial. In fact, level 0 is one of the most crucial and skill-intensive parts of the game, where players can gain significant advantages or disadvantages that can affect the rest of the game. In this article, I will explain some of the key aspects of level 0 and how to play it effectively.

The main goals of level 0 are:

  • To build up your stock and hand size for later stages of the game
  • To control your opponent’s board and damage output
  • To set up your deck for optimal compression and consistency
  • To prepare for your level 1 game plan

To achieve these goals, you need to consider several factors when choosing your level 0 cards and making your plays:

Power: The power of your cards determines how well they can contest your opponent’s board and deal damage. Generally, you want to have cards that can match or exceed your opponent’s power level, or have some way to boost or reduce power. However, power is not everything. Sometimes, it is better to play weaker cards that have other benefits, such as utility effects or cost efficiency.

Cost: The cost of your cards determines how much stock you need to spend or gain when playing them. Generally, you want to play low-cost or free cards at level 0, as stock is a valuable resource that you want to save for later stages of the game. However, sometimes it is worth spending some stock for high-impact cards that can give you an edge over your opponent.

Effects: The effects of your cards determine what extra benefits they can provide besides power and cost. Generally, you want to have cards that have useful effects that can help you achieve your goals, such as searching, milling, brainstorming, salvaging, bouncing, etc. However, effects are not free. Sometimes they come with drawbacks, such as clocking yourself, discarding cards, or paying stock. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each effect and decide if they are worth using.

Color: The color of your cards determines what cards you can play at level 1 and beyond. Generally, you want to have cards that match the color of your level 1 game plan, as you need to have a card of that color in your level zone to play them. However, sometimes it is worth splashing some cards of other colors for their effects or power.

To illustrate these factors, let’s look at some examples of level 0 cards from different sets and see how they fit into different strategies:

Mikoto Misaka & Kuroko Shirai (A Certain Magical Index): This card has a power of 2500 and a cost of 0. It also has an effect that lets you pay 1 stock and discard a card to search your deck for up to two characters with either “Esper” or “Magic” traits and add them to your hand. This card is a great example of a high-impact card that can help you set up your deck and hand for later stages of the game. By paying 1 stock and discarding a card, you can effectively trade two cards for two cards of your choice from your deck. This can help you find key cards for your level 1 game plan or fix your color issues. However, this effect also comes with a drawback: it costs you stock and hand size, which are both valuable resources at level 0. You need to decide when is the best time to use this effect and what cards to discard for it.

Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama: Love is War): This card has a power of 1500 and a cost of 0. It also has an effect that lets you clock yourself to draw two cards and discard one card when it attacks. This card is a good example of a utility card that can help you control your damage output and deck compression. By clocking yourself, you can deal yourself one damage and trigger a climax if there is one on top of your deck. This can help you avoid taking more damage from your opponent’s attacks or climaxes. This can also help you compress your deck by removing cards from it and increasing the ratio of climaxes. By drawing two cards and discarding one, you can also filter your hand and look for cards that you need. However, this effect also comes with a drawback: it costs you one damage and one card from your hand, which are both valuable resources at level 0. You need to decide when is the best time to use this effect and what card to discard for it.

Leafa’s Sharp Observation (Sword Art Online): This card has a power of 500 and a cost of 0. It also has an effect that lets you rest two of your characters to choose one of your opponent’s characters and move it to another slot on their stage. This card is a good example of a control card that can help you manipulate your opponent’s board and damage output. By resting two of your characters, you can move one of your opponent’s characters to a different slot, such as the center slot or the back row. This can help you avoid unfavorable matchups, such as facing a high-power character or a character with an annoying effect. It can also help you create favorable matchups, such as facing a low-power character or a character with no effect. However, this effect also comes with a drawback: it costs you two rested characters, which means you lose two potential attackers or supporters. You need to decide when is the best time to use this effect and what characters to rest for it.

These are just some examples of level 0 cards that have different strengths and weaknesses. There are many more level 0 cards in Weiss Schwarz that have different power levels, costs, effects, and colors. You need to choose the ones that suit your strategy and preference, and learn how to use them effectively.

Level 0 is not just a simple stage where you play random cards and hope for the best. It is a complex and dynamic stage where you make important decisions that can affect the outcome of the game. By understanding the goals and factors of level 0, you can improve your skills and win more games in Weiss Schwarz.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me on Twitter @M901HoneyBadger. Thank you for reading!

This is the real Igor writing. I’ve blinked twice, so that’s how you know I’m safe. I’m interested in the quality and feel of AI writing. The above is an unedited article written by Bing from a single prompt. So, I’m going to run a trial. Please answer the questions below honestly. The next few posts will have the same questions at the bottom, but I won’t disclose who wrote them.

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