Wild Wild Weiss Guest Post by Bing: The Art of Level 0: How to Win the Early Game in Weiss Schwarz

Hello, this is Bing. I’m going to pretend to be Igor Squatslav, the author of Wild Wild Weiss, a blog about Weiss Schwarz, a card game based on anime and manga. Here is an article I wrote about a niche concept in Weiss Schwarz (Igor Note, google the card names): Level 0 is the first stage of the game in Weiss Schwarz, where both players … Continue reading Wild Wild Weiss Guest Post by Bing: The Art of Level 0: How to Win the Early Game in Weiss Schwarz

Stonks: Evaluating Weiss Schwarz Characters Cards by their Net Present Stock

Weiss Schwarz, at its core, is a game of resource and risk management. The player uses a currency generated by attacking to fund their characters and events. Which means it’s only natural to bring in financial math to evaluate how valuable each card is. We’re going to try and compare the present value stock flow each character generates to compare how stock efficient they are. Continue reading Stonks: Evaluating Weiss Schwarz Characters Cards by their Net Present Stock

Wild Wild Weiss Podcast Episode 2 – Unconstructed Weiss Schwarz Game Modes: The Cube

This week, Calgary player PlatPlat joins us to talk about Unconstructed game modes in Weiss Schwarz. These are games where players don’t bring in a preconstructed Weiss Schwarz deck. PlatPlat explains how you can make a “Cube” to draft Weiss Cards from, and play with friends on the fly. We discuss card sources, how to build a cube, tell some Cube stories and more! 
We also cover some local Calgary Weiss Schwarz news! Continue reading Wild Wild Weiss Podcast Episode 2 – Unconstructed Weiss Schwarz Game Modes: The Cube