Friday Funpost: Macross Frontier Ranka and Macross Delta Yami Frejya soul press

Today, Igor finally puts to paper a dumb deck he’s been thinking about for a long time: what if Macross Frontier had a standby trigger? Level 3 Ranka out at level 0 is the result. Continue reading Friday Funpost: Macross Frontier Ranka and Macross Delta Yami Frejya soul press

Macross Delta and Macross Frontier should be playable together in Weiss Schwarz Neo-Standard

Igor argues why Macross Delta and Macross Frontier will probably be playable together. To support this, he writes his feelings on why expansive neo-standard is better than limited neo-standard. Continue reading Macross Delta and Macross Frontier should be playable together in Weiss Schwarz Neo-Standard

Dan’s Ranch and Strictly Broken TCG 2012 Legacy Tournament Report: Macross Frontier finishes 4th

On the last day of July 2021, Dan’s Ranch and Strictly Broken TCG teamed up to host a tournament based on an old meta game. Specifically, Weiss Schwarz as was released and legal on July 31st 2012. The tournament was a ton of fun, and I came 4th out of about 50 participants playing a Macross Frontier deck based around Clan and Michael. The legacy … Continue reading Dan’s Ranch and Strictly Broken TCG 2012 Legacy Tournament Report: Macross Frontier finishes 4th