Wild Wild Weiss Interviews Phillip McKay and Ken Takahata Legacy 2012 Tournament Commentary Duo!

This week, Tim interviews two prolific players and thinkers of Weiss Schwarz: Phillip McKay and Ken Takahata. Ken has consistently placed top 8 in large Weiss Schwarz tournaments over the past five years, including the North American Online Springfest in 2021. Phillip won two of the first international Weiss Schwarz events and wrote Make Marika Great, one of the most read blogs about WS strategy. … Continue reading Wild Wild Weiss Interviews Phillip McKay and Ken Takahata Legacy 2012 Tournament Commentary Duo!

Why you should play English Weiss Schwarz

Weiss Schwarz has two editions of the game, English and Japanese. Unlike Magic the Gathering or Pokémon, cards vary significantly between the English and Japanese[1] editions. A perennial question among players becomes: “Do I buy my cards in English and play the English metagame, or do I buy Japanese cards and play their metagame?” I believe that more players should embrace the English Edition. Continue reading Why you should play English Weiss Schwarz

Road to the Timvitational: Interview with last year’s champ

With the Road to the Timvitationalset to begin this week, it seemed like a good time to check in with the winner from the Inaugural event. Last year, I hosted a Weiss tournament from my own home because w couldn’t run a tournament at the local Anime convention. This year, once the lock down has been lifted, we’ll do the same. Here’s what Lyxus, champion … Continue reading Road to the Timvitational: Interview with last year’s champ

How to keep Weiss interesting when new sets aren’t appealing to you

So, you’ve been playing the same meta-deck at weeklies for a while, and the results are still pretty good. However, at the same time, there’s new stuff on the horizon and you’ve been playing this deck a lot too. It’s getting a bit stale. Looking over the new release schedule you notice that there are, well, no series that excite you. As someone who still … Continue reading How to keep Weiss interesting when new sets aren’t appealing to you

What I learned about Weiss Schwarz from watching Chihiyafuru

Chihyafuru is a fantastic anime that everyone should watch. Fanboying aside a show about competitive Karuta, a game where a reader reads out one part of a poem and you have to find the corresponding card before your opponent does, has a lot to offer viewers. The show explores tons of concepts around the game itself, the characters, and the nature of competition. Even though … Continue reading What I learned about Weiss Schwarz from watching Chihiyafuru

Playing Kemono Friends after the Ban list hit

Kemono Friends received its first and only restriction on the 2020 ban list update, you may only play one of the two following cards: All Together Pull and Alpaca Suri, Café Waitress. Although a small hit compared to other sets have received, not an outright ban nor a “five choose one” like Fate got, this strikes at the core of the Alpaca healing deck. The … Continue reading Playing Kemono Friends after the Ban list hit